Hi Andy … welcome to an extremely quiet forum
In answer to the questions raised.
- Earning £ 520 per month last year and claiming Carers Allowance.
IF average out … £ 520 times 3 divide by 13 … £ 120 per week … which equalled the limit in the last tax year.
The maximum amount one could earn in order to retain Carers Allowance.
However there is a problem … an extract from the recent session on the forum with the CUK Advice Team wherein I raised
the question of AVERAGING as several other posters had reported problems :
**_Hi there, thanks for your post. It definitely can feel very complicated trying to deal with the benefit system and irregular earnings.
For Carer’s Allowance if you earn over the earnings limit of £123 PW (if you get paid weekly) or £533 pcm (if you get paid calendar monthly), you cannot be paid any Carer’s Allowance for the following week/month.
( Last tax year … ended 5 April 2019 … weekly £ 120 / monthly £ 520. )
There is no taper of payable benefit. Therefore if a person is usually under the limit but has the odd occasion over the limit, they would need to let the Carer’s Allowance Unit know in good time, and they could stop benefit for the next week/month – restarting it when they get information that once again the carer is earning under the limit.
Variable income
However if earnings fluctuate regularly the Carer’s Allowance Unit at the DWP may average them out over a recognisable cycle of work or over five weeks, but this would need to be arranged in advance with them. The Carer’s Allowance Unit use the Decision Makers Guide to help them work this out.
From the Decision Makers Guide :
Averaging of amounts
The weekly amount of a person’s income from earnings may be averaged if the income varies or the regular pattern of work means that the claimant does not work every week.
The Decision Maker should average over
- a complete cycle if there is a recognisable cycle of work or
2. five weeks or
- another period if this means a more accurate weekly amount can be calculated.
( ??? … if paid regularly every month , why not quarterly … every quarter contains a 5 week period !!! )
The averaging of the weekly amount does not change the other rules on the treatment of earnings such as the date that they are treated as paid. This means that earnings should only be averaged where the claimant is actually in receipt of a payment._** >
Therein lies the problem … are they arguing 2 and not 3 as above ???
I would email the CUK Advice Team for confirmation … advice@carersuk.org … quoting both this thread and the Benefit Session one for background :
( I have sent them a separate email … a recurring theme … needs to be clarified … if monthly paid , why not averaged out
quarterly … common sense but … let’s see what transpires … it’s the DWP we are dealing with here . )
Lets us know how you get on … it will add to our collective knowledge at forum level.
Questions 2 and 3 ?
No in both instances … provided that the criteria for claiming Carers Allowance is met … a minimum of 35 hours.
If you son accompanies you , the caring angle continues ?
What caused your wife’s anquish in the meeting with the DWP ?
Their interpretation of what has been spelt out above ???