I thought I’d start a separate post for this, because we have to do something loud and fast to ensure those that are reliant upon the delivery of groceries/supplies/medicines are treated as priorities.
The UK government have created a register for people who are “highly vulnerable” to the virus, but that list does not include any physical/learning disabilities and it also does not include about 70% of their “at increased risk” list either.
However, the list is going to be the only thing used by supermarkets and other suppliers to prioritize customers for delivery services.
That means disabled/vulnerable people who have always relied on delivery services are going to ignored in favour of people who are perhaps physically able but just more at risk of the virus, who will be getting priority for services now, which disabled/vulnerable folks have used as a vital lifeline day to day pre-outbreak.
It’s only a matter of time before increased demand forces more and more supermarkets, chemists, and other suppliers to use the priority list and ignore others in need.
If you could take a few minutes and send a message to the Department of Health and Social Care via their online form https://contactus.dhsc.gov.uk/ and raise concerns about the online shopping priority being given out based only on the extremely vulnerable list, and not all those people the government have highlighted as more highly vulnerable to this virus. Question if they have plans to create a second register for those with disabilities and the people they have declared “at increased risk”.
Also, if you could write a short email raising concerns to Matt Hancock himself, and your local MP it might help get the ball rolling within the government before those with disabilities start to really suffer and lose out on services they’ve always relied on.
Matt Hancock - matt.hancock.mp@parliament.uk and/or matt@matt-hancock.com
You can find your local MP and their contact information here https://members.parliament.uk/constituencies/
We really need to make a stink about this, because it’s won’t be long before people who have always had a need for delivery services are forgotten about and forced to put themselves at risk (thus putting more strain on the NHS/social care system).
We have to have our voices heard and show that people with disabilities and their carers must be treated a priority in this situation too!