Do you think my nana has been neglected by care home?

Oh Sarah, that is great news.

Look for a care home that offers nursing care too.


Nana update -
She is medically fit and is being discharged today.
I’ve managed to get her in a nursing home that her sister is in.
I’m so happy
Someone up there was looking after her
Thanks everyone for your advice and support these last few days.
It’s so appreciated

Sarah that is brilliant news - well done!!


Hello Sarah

Great to hear that your nan is feeling much better and that you’ve found a different care home for her.

I’ve just sent you an email with some further advice from one of our helpline advisers which I hope you will find helpful., though some of the advice may no longer be relevant.

With good wishes


Thank you Michael for your help
It’s really appreciated

Well done,

I hope you can have a few days chilling out.
Don’t forget to tell DWP that she has moved.

Did Nana rent her home from the council or a housing association?
If you were living with her, you may not be allowed to stay there, I’m afraid.
If this is the case, you need to do something asap.

I think she has been neglected by her carers, by what you have said. :angry: The best thing to do is find care home if that is possible or put in complaint about the issue at hand, people that care for people in care homes generally dont care about the people they care for usually. But there are exceptions.