Depressed looking after husband

Sorry meant carers assessment

Ask Social Services for one urgently, say you can’t carry on as you are. Also find out more about NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Thanks for all your kind comments.I do not feel alone.

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Claire, the more help you get to care for your husband, the longer he can stay with you.
Asking for help isn’t in any way regarded as being a failure, quite the opposite in fact.
Contacting Social Services to talk about how you feel, about your mental and physical wellbeing, is a good first step.
It’s also worth enquiring about additional financial help. For example, if your husband can’t do anything for himself he is likely to qualify for Attendance Allowance, assuming he’s over pension age, or DLA (Disability Living Allowance) if under pension age.

Money doesn’t make anyone better, but it can make life a lot easier. A tumble dryer, dishwasher, domestic help, etc. all make things easier.