Does anyone claim carers Allowance and work term-time, which puts them over the limit on a couple of months a year?
I’m being told that they won’t average my wages over a year even though my wage amount changes each month, so averaged out over a year I am under the limit.
I called the advice line today and even they thought it should be averaged.
Would like to know if anyone on here is in the same boat?
I am a Supply Teacher and have only recently looked into claiming because my dad needs more help throughout the day now. I can only really work half days now. I explained this and the person on the helpline said that I would be classed as an Irregular Earner.
I assumed that the earnings threshold could be averaged out over a year. I never know how much work I will have and during the school holidays I can’t work at all. So if for example I was paid £600 in July and nothing in August because of the holidays I thought this would average out at 2 months allowance but the man on the helpline said that I would not be entitled for July as I would be above the threshold.
Does anyone know if it is possible to have irregular earnings averaged out over a period longer than 1 month?
I had the same thought about paying into a pension but it would not be enough to go under the threshold.