Carer for my daughter with rare mental health condition

Hi all, I am new to to Carers UK. Looking for support and understanding my rights as a Carer, thank you

Dear Adele_2112
My name is Kristie and I am a volunteer online community host. I am sorry to hear about the difficult situation in with being a carer for your daughter with a rare mental health condition. I would like to welcome you to the forum. You are not alone in your caring role and i am sure that many on here will understand exactly how you feel and offer you support. Caring can be very lonely and the pandemic has made caring responsibilities challenging as many carers have been socially restricted and unable to attend social groups etc.
At Carers UK the organization are running online weekly meet ups for carers and you can find the information on how to register at Care For A Cuppa:- meet-ups. There is another group i would advise you to think about joining and that is the group Share And Learn:-Share and Learn | Carers UK.
The telephone number for Carers UK is 0808 808 7777 and the line is open from Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm and the email address for Carers UK is (
They provide information and guidance to unpaid carers. This covers:-
-Benefits And Financial Support
-Your Rights As A Carer In The Workplace
-Carers Assessments And How To Get Support In Your Caring Role
-Services Available To Carers And The People You Care For
-How To Complain Effectively And Challenge Decisions.
Best wishes

Hi Adele, welcome to the forum.
I’ve been a carer for over 40 years, since my son was brain damaged at birth. I’ve also supported all four parents, all very disabled towards the end of their lives, and others.
If Adele is your real name, I would suggest that you change it to something different, so you cannot be identified.