Hello everybody , its 2 different moans today from me!
1.Just had my new benefit update from Jobcentre Plus and now the Caring money has gone up £1.10 a week the other benefits have been reduced !.
it’s surprising we’re saving the government £850 a Week for the cost of a nursing home! yet we struggle even though we do it out of love!
it would be nice to be able to treat ourselves Once in a while.
2. I also still struggle to understand why people with dementia do not have have a companion tag on their bus pass yet a person with learning difficulties it is allowed !. My mother who is 85 and has dementia is able to get on a bus without being questioned and as I don’t always have the bus fare to pay to follow her this could cause major problems if she decided to wonder out on her own!
Any Answers …
Have you asked for mum to have a Companion bus pass and been rejected by the council?
Do you live with mum?
Have Power of Attorney?
Claimed mum’s exemption from Council Tax?
Asked Social Services for Needs Assessment for mum and Carers Assessment for you?
MUM should be paying for things like fuel and bus fares for you, from her money.