'Ask an advisor' activity for Carers Rights Day: Do you have any questions about benefits, entitlements or rights?

In the run up to Carers Rights Day, Thursday 23 November, we’ll be asking for any general questions you have related to benefits, entitlements, rights, and what support is available for carers.

Please post questions here in advance by replying to this post before Monday 20th November. Your questions will be passed onto our advisors, who will prepare answers and on Carers Rights Day, their responses will be posted back in this thread.

Please make sure these questions are general, as responses will be posted publicly. For any personal and more complex queries, please email our helpline directly at advice@carersuk.org so that you can receive a more personalised and detailed advice.

If a carer needs a few hours off a week, for their own sanity, who should pay? The carer, the caree, or Social Services?


Thank you for your question @bowlingbun.

It is really important that carers take breaks, as you highlight, for their own wellbeing. Depending on circumstance, different respite options are available, some of which will be covered by Social Services. There are also grants and charities which can help with funding breaks too.

You can see more information here: Taking a break | Carers UK

Our ‘Taking a break’ factsheet provides more detailed information and guidance on some of the different options available: https://www.carersuk.org/media/lh5fracs/carers-uk-breaks-factsheet_2023-24.pdf

If you would like specific guidance on how to go about arranging respite, please email our Helpline service at advise@carersuk.org