Are disabled facilities grants added to land registry?

Hi all,

My great uncle is considering selling up his house to move into a care home soon, he had a DFG about seven years ago and can’t find any of the paperwork. He’s waiting on some info to come from his local LA, but in the meantime I was thinking there might be some info about what’s tied to his house on the land registry.

Does anyone know if a disabled facilities grant is registered against one’s home via the land registry? Or is it a “less formal” arrangement between the recipient and their local LA?

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks. :slight_smile:

I don’t know what LA area you refer to here is an example

Hi There,

I am going through the DFG process at the moment. My understanding is the council wil register a charge on the property title at the land registry. However, I also understand that if the move is necessitated by either financial hardship or a deterioration in help (requiring a different care setting) the costs will not be reclaimed.

Certainly worth exploring!

You can check for any charges against a property here (costs £3.00 ):