Wife has passed

Hi all, its been a while since i posted “broken” at the start of lock down. My wife sadly passed on 1st June, she went peacefully in her sleep after seeing all the people that mattered.
Between us we have 6 kids and the youngest 2 of 19 and 22 have taken it really hard. The older girls have been amazing and we have organised all the arrangements together.
I cant say i know how i feel, numb, lost and what do i do now? I know things between us were strained but we managed to find a way despite her illness. She was only 59.

Take care everyone xx

So very sorry to learn of your wife’s passing. But I am glad that it she was able to see her family and and passed peacefully in her sleep.

Feeling numb and lost are pretty much “normal” now so just take one day at a time, there will be plenty to do after the funeral but none of it is really urgent.

My deepest condolences to you and your children.

Very sorry Nikki, to read about our wife. Take comfort that she went peacefully and everyone that mattered had time to for goodbyes. Are your younger children getting grief counselling? It might really help.

Be easy on yourself, one day at a time.


Hi Nikki,
I was widowed suddenly at the age of 54. It takes a very long time to even start to adjust to the “new normal” a myriad of conflicting emotions. Take every day one at a time.
I would strongly advise you to join an online forum called “Way Up”. I found it really helpful, those times when you think “Is it just me…?” any you see that others at the same stage are going through exactly the same.