The PM is now asking MPs to solve Social Care

Boris Johnson asks MPs to solve social care crisis after admitting he doesn’t have a plan

It would be far better if he asked us, those at the sharp end!

Then lets storm all our MPs office with what’s needed


Yes that is a good idea.

Also Could Carers UK set up meetings with MPs.?

And I dont mean the fifteen minute surgery you get if Joe Public wants to see an MP.

Meeting the mm P is a good idea.
Starting with paying family carers the minimum wage with sick pay, holiday pay and guaranteed time off.
No more DWP interrogations for lifelong conditions.
Independent care needs assessments.

What else can we list between us?


Carers finances are appealing. They expect us to do so much and yet treated so badly.

Better training for support workers. Better pay and more chances for progression for support workers. Better recognition for support workers so that it it a good career choice. We need quality staff to look after our vulnerable people.

The Continuing Health Care Scandal needs urgent attention. I don’t know what planet these politicians are on, they need to wake up to the fact that the elderly/frail/older generation have contributed to life as we know it. They have worked their socks off and contributed to the system. Then when they’re frail, they have to lose everything coz the system is corrupt. Politicians need to actively get on board and take responsibility.

I agree totally. A friend from Holland studied being a carer at school. To qualify, you had to be able to cook a dinner party for six people, in case clients wanted to entertain. Every carer should be given proper training to cook and manage money for clients.
Most of all I want a body set up to investigate complaints and fix them PROMPTLY. People could die before anything is sorted under the current system.

How to contact your MP? Just search that phrase and there is an online system.
I wonder if CUK could coordinate all our points and do a letter we could download and sign?

Yeh an truly Independent body to deal with investigating complaints is definately needed. I have approached lots of local councillors and MPs since 2012 for help + support. They’re too busy to care, even those I was recommended…and they have a ‘duty’; yeh for what they can get out of the position.

At present all the government departments can get away with whatever they want. There is no accountability.

Just woke up today and thought “I’ve had enough of all this”

But of course, theres no choice…have to carry on.

Its scandalous.

Official priority with GP appointments?
We can book the “on the day” appointments the after noon before?
Carers free bus pass?

With immediate effect make carers allowance supplement the same as Scotland.

How much is carers allowance Scotland 2019?

Carer’s Allowance Supplement is an extra payment for people in Scotland who get Carer’s Allowance on a particular date. Carer’s Allowance Supplement is paid 2 times a year. The next 2 rounds of payments are: £226.20 on 24 June 2019 - you’ll get this payment if you’re getting Carer’s Allowance on 15 April 2019.

I want more support workers who are clever. Also more support workers who know about physical impairments.

Thara, some of my son’s carers have been useless. An essential part of his support is managing his money. I don’t expect them to do mental arithmetic, but they should be able to use a calculator!

Needn’t be academic. But common sense goes a long way.To be able to use some initiative, and be willing to listen and learn.

Anyone handling food for sale has to do a food hygiene course, only one day.
Surely anyone handling client’s money should be able to prove they can do this? A very basic maths test?