Hi Jayne I’m new to this forum - caring several years for my wife - her full time Carer for 2 years now.
I am like you angry that unpaid Carers are treated like we’re nothing. Even the unemployed get paid more and more recognition than us.
It’s that time of year now Carers Week - so Happy Carers week to all - enjoy all the praise from the MPs - Royalty and various Caring organisations - all the happy fundraising events and smiling pictures of Carers spread all over the news and media publications telling us how fantastic we are - for it will be short lived and we will become the forgotten army for another 51 weeks - sadly that’s just reality.
The Caring organisations proudly bang on about how we Unpaid Carers save the economy £132 billion pounds a year - yet what have they done to ensure we receive some of this saved money?
It is shocking in this day and age that we are not receiving an allowance equivalent to the National Minimum Wage - recently a government response as to why Carers do not receive an equivalent to the National Minimum Wage- was because if they were to give us the NMW then the government would have to change our employment status - and are not willing to do this.
I have no problem with the government changing my employment status if it means I receive the NMW - £8.72 an hour - does anyone else?
Currently as unpaid Carers we receive an allowance equivalent equal to £1.92 for a 35 hr week - with most full time unpaid Carers doing in excess of 50+ hrs a week. How is this right in 2020 - when we as a collective of millions of unpaid Carers save the economy £132 billion pounds a year?
Carer organisations sadly seem to only have their own financial interests at heart - yes sure they give us a few scraps here and there and make a bit of noise and provide some services - but ultimately they receive money from the government- to keep us unpaid Carers quite - whilst attempting to reassure us that they are fighting our corner. They have their own financial agenda to keep the amount we receive at the bare minimum to justify their own existence - it would be interesting to know how much Carer organisations receive from the government each year.
They say they speak on our behalf - instead the whisper quietly so they can’t be heard - and we are forgotten.
If Carer organisations cannot mobilise the millions of unpaid Carers voices to demand we receive the equivalent allowance of the NMW - then what use are they ?
The sad fact is that we give so much and receive so little - whilst the Caring organisations do little or nothing to make change happen - as if real change did happen then they would have no purpose.
You may agree with me or against me - but ask yourself as unpaid Carers how has your situation improved In the last few years - is it getting harder to survive financially every year - of course it is.
What have Carer organisations done to address this - a small rise of a mere few pounds and they carry on like it’s a major victory.
Nothing will change until we the millions - that save them billions - stand up and unite under one voice and demand change from Caring organisations and the government .
Their are more of us - then them - they have silenced us, using divide and conquer and used Caring organisations to do their bidding.
Be silent no more if you want change - change will not happen by being silent - we are human beings to - it’s about time we were treated and respected as such.
I do not claim to have all the answers - but I do know that as long as they divide us - isolate us in our own homes and feed us peanuts - and we continue to accept this - then Nothing will change.
We deserve better - don’t you think so ?