My thoughts are with you both, it will be very hard for both of you to be apart.
Please keep checking back for replies over the next few days.
My mother has had several mini strokes, but not a massive one like that.
There is no crystal ball for your wife’s recovery, it depends on the stroke and on the personality if they give in to it or have determination to recover as best as they can recover.
Your wife’s recovery and rehabilitation will reveal her capabilities and the care she needs and adaptations at your home.
There will be the social services and occupational therapists and physiotherapy involved in what help and home equipment your wife will need such as a hospital type bed, commode, wet room conversion if that is done in your area to remove the bath and have a wheelchair accessible shower.
Mobility aids, a blue badge.
There should be a 6 week care package provided by social services when she gets home.
Social services will do a care needs assessment on your wife and a carers needs assessment on you for how you will both cope at home, even if there is one in place new, it needs review. If you are over £xxx income and savings you will have to self fund the care, they will explain it all.
Do not accept discharge of your wife until everything is in place, without it you will not be able to cope and it will be an unsafe discharge.
You think you are capable until you are put to the test and if you find you are not then don’t be too proud to tell them you need Plan B.
It is not just the here and now for your wife’s care, you are in fine fettle now but what about a few years time or more.
If they say your wife is unsafe to come home and needs to be in a home, you could look at options to be together in a home.