Hello im new to the forum. Ive been caring for my young adult autistic daughter since forever. It has become harder since she has becone an adult. Im slowly coming out of a burnout and looking forward to hopefully getting more support for us after her adult services assessment later this month and having a carers assessment myself
I atteneded the care for a cuppa session yesterday and it was so helpful and i felt so seen and understood. Thank you for all these needed resources. After feeling very alone and isolated im grateful to be here with you all to share and support with each other.
Hi and welcome to the Forum. Nice to have you along and glad to hear that you enjoy the ‘Cuppa’ yesterday. I didn’t have time to join in.
If you feel like a ‘chat’ check out the “Roll Call” thread which is where ‘regulars’ and other tend to have a gossip, a moan, exchange views and news and ask for suggestions and support in a relaxed way as well as in the specific threads. It’s often described as ‘a chat over the garden fence’.
The great thing is you can share as much or as little as YOU want and there is never any judgement just loving support. We all go through rough times as Carers so we know what it’s like to feel alone or just ‘lost’.
We done for taking some first steps.
Hi @Angelgold and welcome to the forum. Some of us are long term carers, like yourself. Mostly I care for my wife and eldest son, nowadays, but our youngest (39 in March) has autism, so I can relate to your burnout, stress and the transition issues!
My brain damaged son is 44. He lives in a privately rented flat with carer support, after I was very ill. Have you been supported to talk through what you would like for your daughter’s future when you can no longer care for her yourself?
Hi @Angelgold , welcome to the forum, I hope you find it supportive and helpful.
I too care for a youngish adult with autism - S is now 32.
Transition has historically been so badly handled - which is inexcusable - as the services have enough warning and time to plan for this. It’s hardly a surprise that someone is becoming an adult!! Throwing autism into the mix with no timely transition plan and post school provision is a recipe for anxiety and potential disaster.
I hope the assessments go well.
Welcome to the Forum. I care for my 84 year old husband and have been caring officially since Jan 2013 but unofficially probably a couple of years before.
Do check out Roll Call as we are a friendly group and we share our ups and downs and it does provide an invaluable source of support if you are feeling isolated and so many of us are.
Welcome. Nice to meet you.
Thank you all for welcoming me. I will check out roll call
Also try share and learn
this forum is a must for all carers who are struggling . even for former carers regards Amanda
Hi Angelgold. Im Kristie i am an online community host for Carers UK. I am sorry to hear about the difficult time you are going through. Welcome to the forum! You are not alone in your caring role and i am sure that many on here will understand exactly what you are going through and will offer you the support that you need. Caring can be very lonely and the pandemic has made caring responsibilities challenging as many carers have been socially restricted and unable to attend social groups etc.
Carers UK are running two online weekly meet ups for carers and you can find the information on how to register at:- Care For A Cuppa:- Online meetups | Carers UK. The second online weekly meet up is called Share And Learn:-Share and Learn | Carers Scotland.
Our telephone number is 0808 808 7777 and is open from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am-6pm. Our email address is (advice@carersuk.org).
They provide information and guidance to unpaid carers. This covers:-
- Benefits and Financial Support
-Your rights as a carer in the workplace
-Carers Assessments and how to get support in your caring role
-Services available to carers and the people you care for
-How to complain effectively and challenge decisions
Best Wishes