To kick off Carers Week (8-14 June), we are running a LIVE Question and Answer session with one of our helpline advisers on Carer’s Allowance today.
To join, just post your question below between 11:00am-12:30pm and one of our Helpline advisers will respond.
with benefits why has the goverment only put up carers allowance £1.00 ?
Hi Lizzie
My wife and I are unpaid Carers and having been caring for a family member in our home for the last 28 years.
I currently get Carers Allowance for the family member we care for as we can only claim one CA payment per person despite the fact it takes 2 of us to provide the care
My wife has recently applied for PIP and we are waiting to hear back if she qualifies for the Standard rate, Mobility component.
If she does qualify for PIP, then I wanted to ask a couple of questions…
If my wife takes the CA for looking after the family member we care for, can I then claim CA for looking after her?
Looking after our family member at home takes more than 35 hrs p.w; looking after my wife will take more than 35hrs p.w
Is there a conflict in my wife needing care and support for her reduced mobility and me getting CA for her but at the same time she is caring more than 35 hrs for our family member and would be getting CA for them?
Many thanks
I am very concerned that Hampshire CC are failing to respect the 2014 Care Act, and the Covid regulations.
My son has lost 28-38 hours of day care a week,. In addition to this he should have 35 hours a week evenings and weekends.
Rather than the LA looking flexibly about how his personal budget is being used during Lockdown, the council are being totally inflexible. As a result, my son, with brain damage, is utterly alone for 19 hours a day!!
The only way my son can have extra hours is if I care for him some of the time. The council refuses to pay family carers, although the care act makes it clear that it is up to the caree to choose who cares for him, when and where, INCLUDING FAMILY CARERS. My only regular income is the basic pension.
How care CUK help me get paid for the care I provide?
(Whilst I have written my question solely about me, there are thousands of others in a similar position!)
hi has the goverment really taken any notice before