IMPORTANT Share recent NHS Experience AND Ideas for change

Just seen NEW requests for personal experience on NHS
no prompts just a window to type!!
@bowlingbun @Charlesh47 @Chris_22081 @Sue24 @Paola_Carers_UK @CUK_Membership_Team @Michael_CarersUK
THIS IS OUR CHANCE to directly, in our own words feedback

QUOTE Experiences

Your experiences: public

This section of the engagement is for anyone who wants to tell us more about their experience of health and care.

New section added to this main page: - SCROLL DOWN

On this page you can share a suggestion for what needs to change across the health and care system and then tag which topic(s) it relates to underneath. The ideas you submit will be visible to everyone taking part, and you can browse other ideas: these are all shown below.

Your ideas for change

Please submit one idea at a time, and you can add as many you like. These could be:

  • Ideas about how the NHS could change to deliver high quality care more effectively and what works well that the NHS should do more
  • Ideas about how other parts of the health and care system and other organisations in society could change to promote better health and/or improve the way health and care services work together
  • Ideas about how individuals and communities could do things differently in future to improve people’s health

you can see other peoples ideas, follow and comment