My mom currently has a care package with a company and it isn’t really working out for us or more importantly my mom and I’ve heard that I can hire my own carers and pay them with the money I’m paying the company currently in place, does anyone know of any difficulties with doing this?
Hi Lee … employing one’s own carers ?
Quite a bit in previous threads … links to a few follow so that you can get a feel for this minefield :\\
Government web site … becaoming an employer :
Employing staff for the first time - GOV.UK
In essence , becoming an employer … and all that entails ?
Hi Lee,
Welcome to the forum.
Is your Mum self funding or does the council fund her care?
My mom is self funding her care
Then mum can do whatever she likes! MUM would be their employer, with you acting as her agent if necessary.
Ok that sounds good then, was just bit worried that as social services were involved in getting the initial care package i would have to do everything through them with this
… which will present your mother with all the joys associated with becoming an employer.
The link posted earlier on the fundamentals will be of immediate assistance.
Good luck.