How do you post?

I’m new and I’m trying to post a bit about myself as instructed for newbies but it says “say a bit about yourself here” but there’s no link or space to type! Help!

By “Here”, it means in this part of the forum. You successfully posted your question about it: had you continued to write more along with your question, you could have told us a bit about yourself.

I don’t think it’s an instruction, just a suggestion.

You’ve done it already! You will soon get the hang of it, and if our mods think your post might be better in a different section, they’ll soon suggest it. They are current or former carers, definitely don’t bite.

Tell us who you care for, age, disability, home situation, etc.
I’m in the New Forest, I have a brain damaged son, aged 41. He lives in his own flat 15 miles away, but I still do lots for him.

Hello Pauline and welcome to the forum.

Your post was successful, but do ask if you’ve got any more technical questions.

One thing though - we do encourage forum members to not use their full names on here so we can protect everyone’s identity. You can change your name by
clicking on your name at the top right of the screen
Click profile
Click edit profile

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Best wishes
