Hi there. New to the forum

If he decides not to have or do something that’s his choice. Taking over your life isn’t! When did you last go out on your own for a day off, or with a friend?

OK. Guess I’ll have to hope the SS see how bad his place is.

Unless they offer him a number to call to get a voluntary driver scheme he won’t look it up. He’s got an appointment to go to citizens advice to fill the form in for AA. Going to have to say no to going with him as the form is massive an I recon it’ll take a good 2 hours. I’m not hanging around the centre for him. He’s like ‘oh, but I need to to tell them what is what’. Don’t see how as I don’t know his day to day struggles. Apart from prompting him to say he can’t breath and gets fatigue very easily. I went to the one before and he should now know approx what to say.

I don’t have any abled friends. I go with my SIL or brother so if/when I want a break I go with them so I’m not having to push wheelchairs. Or cinema where it’s short enough for my partner to use his sticks to go. I do manage to get a break a couple of days a week but I often like to stay in and vegetate. Lol

Tell your neighbour to ring DWP and send a Visiting Officer to do the form for him. Brilliant service.

We went to citizens advice as he wanted to ask about other things. All fine. Get to the end and the lady says you’re booked in for 2 weeks time so if you ring DWP for the AA form that should arrive with plenty of time before the appointment.

Gets to today and he’s finally rung up for the form as ‘he didn’t know he had to ring to get it’. Grrrrr…

Hello. Welcome aboard. Tell us a bit more about yourself and your caring situation too.


As I didn’t do any more for this neighbour when he asked two days later for me to do his shopping with him again he has basically stopped calling on us.

So no more problem I guess. He has stopped talking to me and coming round to my house to chat at the door.

I do feel bad and wish this had not happened but I couldn’t carry on the way it was.

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Kind of supports the idea he was using you for assistance, not genuinely trying to be friendly. Try not to feel too bad, you’ve got enough on your plate to deal with, you can’t add lots of extra tasks for another person on and continue to cope.