Hello , my name is Norrms Mc Namara and I am the founder of the Global Purple Angel dementia charity 1189616 based in UkLink Purple Angels Global are supplying a certain amount of " FREE" Mp3s which are uploaded especially with your residents all-time fave 15 songs on them for them to use and bring back so many happy memories and would love to help your residents. Please find below some incredible uplifting feedback on how much these can help your residentsPlease don’t hesitate to contact me with your orders (3 mp3s per home to start with ) on norrms@gmail.com, that’s two rr`s in norrms or I wont get itBest wishesNorrms Mc Namara FEEDBACK from other care providers…
Hello Norrms,I firstly would like to start with a big thank you! We have received our MP3 players and headsets- they have been fantastic. The residents have enjoyed singing along to every single songs on the MP3 Players.Please see review below for each individual resident-Resident 1- Residents one is a new resident to us here at the home, the resident is only 60 years young. It was noticed very quickly, the residents taste in music was different to other residents. The resident enjoys Westlife, Take That and Robbie Williams. This is the exact music we had requested onto the MP3 player. The resident is now willing to join in with activities and sit in the lounge using her mp3 player as she can listen to her own music now.Resident 2- Resident 2 is nursed in bed due to her poor posture. The resident can become agitated, this has been an ongoing concern. As soon as the resident is listening to music, she immediately relaxes. Having her own MP3 at hand has been brilliant.Resident 3- Resident 3 spend a lot of her time walking around the home. Sometimes making herself very tired, but will continue to walk around. When offered the MP3 player and head set, she immediately will ask to sit down and relax. This has now impacted her wellbeing as she is not tired all the time from walking.Resident 4- Resident 4 is nonverbal and often looks down with her eyes closed. As soon as the music is playing she will look up with her eyes wide open and try to sing. We are still yet to her sing, but she is trying every day.Residents 5- Residents 5 is on end of life care. The music is a comfort for the resident at this time. The family of the resident could not be more grateful for this wonderful MP3 player. They have expressed a sign of reassurance that they know she will be comfortable and happy as music was her favourite!Once again, Thank you very much. There are not enough words to express how grateful we are!Emma CromptonActivities CoordinatorBradshaw Manor Care Home>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SECOND PIECE OF FEEDBACK FROM ANOTHER HOMEHi Norms,I received the mp3 players. A big thank you from behalf of staff and residents for them. I am currently setting them up.I Gave m.m her mp3 player first, She was very intrigued to see what they do and how they work. M.m is Italian and misses her Italian music so much. Sometimes she also finds it hard to hear as sometimes her hearing isn’t as good as other days, and the environment can be filled with noise and sounds, so having the headphones makes it more enjoyable for her as she is able to use the headphones, blocking of sounds and able to hear the music direct. What made it more special was that she got to pick her own songs, finding her favourite Italian music and war songs, and even her wedding song. It truly is magical to see their faces transform once they have them on! It brings joys, good memories and a walk down memory lane!Thank you very much!Nikkii Harris,Activities co-ordinatorBarchesterEpsom Beaumont
Hello Norrms and welcome back to the forum It’s been a long time since we “saw” you here.
For anyone interested in Norrms story and how Purple Angel started - please see here
Thank you !!!
Thank you Susie x
Please please share with all x
Thank you, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A MUST SHARE ( please )
Just look at the INSTANT REACTION to hearing Music on one of our FREE MP3s FOR ALL with dementia in the UK, and pleased listen to what his wonderful wife says and how amazed she is
All you have to do is email me on norrms@gmail.com, that’s TWO rr`s in norms or I won’t get it, available for ALL with dementia in the UK, Care homes, Hospitals, Nursing homes or living at home, and all absolutely FREE, we even pay the package and postage !! xxx
Purple Angel dementia campaign
registered charity number 1189616