Children at school

i am a carer for my grandchildren david 13 patrick 15 and michael who is disabled 27 my problem is two fold 1 patrick and david havent been going to school since may 2020 because of this virus as schools were closed till sept patrick was at school 1 week when a bench fell on him and i had to take him to hospital with badly bruise knee this went in with for 4 weeks getting a note from hospital proving he was told not to attend school then came half term during this time david did go to school except when he had bad stomach ache 1 week just before half term i expected to get them into school in november but hers the problem ime in grimsby and we are in tier 2 and my health isnt good i have epelepsy diabetas autheritus and carnt walk very well using a wheelchair when out and at home ime 68 my husband is 76 we looked after children when our daughter died suddenly nearly 3 years ago it has been difficult so here the problem due to tier 2 and the prime minister stating anyone over 60 should be extremely careful of health risks ie virus i have kept kids off school being in touch with school weekly and they have been supportive of this as school has had 3 children sent home recently due to be infected with virus 1 was in davids bubble now although i told school kids would go back on 2 dec when tier was lifted it now seams likely we will go into tier 3 on 3rd dec so ime extremely worried about sending them to school now but can they make me do this please advise me also michael has told me he hears voices ive got him into a flat and hes ok cooking for his self but hes alone he has problem with reality as for last 19 months a person who he believes love him off a chat line has been taking all his esa money and ive been paying hiss bills and food police were told but after initial investigation they dropped it saying it was an international problem money sent to nigeria

Welcome to the forum. If these are the children’s real names, can you change them or refer to them differently, so you cannot be identified.

I’m not an expert on the virus, cannot answer your specific question, but I know lots about caring.

Your situation is unsustainable long term, and I’m very concerned that you don’t mention getting any help with your situation. It must be very tough.

Is the father involved in their care at all?

You say Michael is 27, disabled, living in his own flat, and now hearing voices.
He is clearly struggling to manage his money, so the simple answer is for you to become his DWP “Appointee” so that you manage his money instead, and give him some for his daily expenses, and then pay all his bills from his benefits.
What is the nature of his disability?
Does he get any disability benefits?
Are Social Services aware of his disability?
Does he get any help or support from anyone?

Hello Linda

I’m sorry to hear all this, it sounds like a stressful situation and one you need some support with.
Regarding the situation with Covid, have a look through our information pages here:

Also have a look through our information and Support pages here which will explain further help you may be entitled to. You can also contact our helpline and speak to someone directly:

Best wishes
