Carers Clinic

This afternoon I have received a phone call from the hospital where my partner has been since last September for depression/dementia issues. It was a call to invite me to attend their Carers Clinic which has just been reopened after the Covid situation. I have booked a slot to go there next week as I know I am struggling at the moment to deal with things since I was told a few days ago that when he is discharged it will be into a residential care home as he is still not well enough to come home, I doubt he ever will again, every time I get more info such as this it just makes me feel as though once again I am grieving for everything we used to have. One of my brothers died just a few weeks ago as well so I have had that to contend with, my remaining brother has also had cancer which he is recovering from, and my parents are both in their 80’s with their own health conditions too. It just feels never ending at the moment.
I would just like a bit of info if possible about what happens at a carers clinic if anybody could just pass on their own experience please, thank you

Hi Frances,

goodness you have a lot to deal with and come to terms with at the moment. Sending you cyber support.

I’m sorry I don’t know what happens at one of these clinics, hopefully it’s a chance to talk things through. If you are worried you could ring up and ask them.


My immediate reaction was “I’ve never heard of a Carers Clinic” and I’ve been a carer for well over 40 years!

I don’t like the word “clinic” much, it’s too clinical!
Please can you share the details with us when you have been? When being a disabled multiple carer, counselling really helped, someone told me I should not be endlessly helping others to the extent there was no time for me.

There are some hospitals who have a carers hub/group held within the hospital. Where there is a dedicated lounge area run by a co-ordinator and/or volunteers. It’s a place to share (if you want to) and be supported. This can be with all aspects of providing a listening ear, sign posting and benefits information etc.

Some carers find out through a hospital admission where they previously were not a carer. And don’t know what becoming one overnight entails. Find immediate access to a carers organisation invaluable.

Thank you for this, this sounds more or less what I am expecting to find next Tuesday when I go. I find it so much easier to talk to someone in person rather than over the phone. I have made a list of questions to take with me, not sure that she will be able to answer them all but I will find out a bit more next week. I have a brief call every now and then from my partners doctor at the hospital, but it is often quite hurried so am hoping to get more of an update next week.

I would suggest that you give the person at the hospital a copy of your list when you start.