Carer for my ex husband with brain tumour

Hi I’m new here, just wanted to say hello. I’ve been a carer for my ex husband for about 7 years now. He got ill with a brain tumour just a couple of months after we divorced. He’s been living with me for the last three years and about a year ago his mobility really started to decline. He’s now in a wheelchair and incontinent. St Luke’s hospice have been brilliant the last year with carers helping out with PC and OT sorting out equipment and help with benefits etc. So if you’re in a similar position I couldn’t recommend them more.
I’m finding things a bit difficult lately, crying a lot and having rubbish thoughts. But hopefully I can get through it. It’s hard being a carer he needs help 24/7 and yes it’s lonely. What happens when you can’t cope anymore? That worries me. Any advice will be well received. Much love x

Hi Michelle,

Are you aware of NHS Continuing Healthcare?

No, I’ve not heard about this. I will have a look online thanks x

CHC / NHS Continuing Healthcare ?

Look no further :

Thank you x

Your welcome.