I think DWP may have just shot themselves in the foot, need help

Hi need help and advice ASAP please, as I think the dwp have just shot themselves in the foot with comment they have put on the back of a letter to me.
I have been a full-time carer for my mother for 8 years now as she is bed banned and cannot do anything, approximately 4 years ago I was diagnosed with heart disease and a few other ailments but could still care for my mother and also claimed PIP , My health has gone slightly downhill this year so I applied to for an increase in the daily living path of my pip as I am struggling a bit more but still able to do some things, dwp initially turned me down so I appealed against it. They turn me down again so I’m now about to go to a tribunal, But on the back of the letter they have just sent to me with all the relevant information they have also put “Although Mr xxxxx has identified a high level of personal restriction. He is entitled to carrier’s allowance, to be entitled to Kara’s allowance, a person must provide at least a 35 hours of care to another disabled person. Each week the tribunal may wish to explore his hours further”“”
First of all I didn’t think that it had anything to do with them if I was getting carers allowance but also because I’m going to a tribunal. What are they trying to say because I didn’t think they could do anything like this or let alone say anything like this??

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@Redders01 , I would suggest speaking to the carers helpline on monday or see someone at the citzen advice . I don’t know if any of the Admin team are on here over the weekend?
it sound like DWP have shot themselves in the foot but be careful how you play it as they always find a way to get out of it. you can always send it to the newspaper if you don’t win or your mp.

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Ah - @Michael_1910123 just beat me to that comment!

Here are the contact details:

Carers UK provides information, support and advice to carers. The information and advice we provide covers a range of subjects relating to caring including:

• Benefits and tax credits
• Carers employment rights
• Carers assessments and how to get support
• Services available to carers
• How to complain effectively and challenge decisions

You can email us at adviceline@carersuk.org and we will respond to your enquiries within 10 working days, although it can often be sooner.

Our telephone helpline providing information is open from Monday to Friday between 9am and 6pm - 0808 808 7777

You can also get hold of useful information and support online.
• Visit the Help and Advice sections of our website where we have lots of information and downloadable factsheets on the topics people ask us about most. www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice


Yes @Redders01 get some legal advice.

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Thanks, I do need to respond sooner than 10 days, as I have just come out of hospital after having a full knee replacement to come home to this paperwork and need to respond sooner

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Hi @Redders01
I agree with @Michael_1910123 and @Chris_22081 re contacting the helpline or CAB.

Sounds like the DWP are hoping to prove you don’t need higher PIP because you aren’t still capable of caring.

However, caring comes in many forms. It’s worth writing a list of the care tasks you are capable of doing despite your own health needs. Eg emotional support, ordering and receiving food and meds deliveries, arranging carers, financial stuff etc .

We had a Mum on here at one time; she had spina bifida and got carers allowance for her son who had muscular dystrophy or similar and her husband got carers for her. There situation was very tough.


The helpline should be able to provide assistance. They say that emailing gives a chance to get a more fulsome response to detailed queries, but they have people on hand answering the calls who should be able to help.


Get yourself off to the CAB if you are able to. You may have a long wait but they will advocate for you and tell you what you can or cannot do.

They help people who are here illegally and should not be here (I work in Housing and that’s where we send them) so you will definitely be able to get help! If it goes to an appeal, they can sometimes send someone to advocate for you if you struggle.

DWP are absolutely cvnts. I suffer from Long Covid but I just about cope living my life. There are shed loads of people who are in wheelchairs/can’t walk/can’t breathe and they are all being told they are fit and able to work. What a mess.

They are well known for frightening people and refusing awards in the hope that people will disappear. You need to persist. Get help from the CAB if the Carers number can’t help you.


They are querying your ability to care for mum when you are so ill yourself. Quite honestly you need a medal, not criticism! Talk to our helpline asap, I’m sure they will come up with all the relevant rules and regulations. My own view is that there are 168 hours in a week. You are “watching over” mum for all those hours. If you don’t do it, who else is there. “Watching over” is a phrase DWP use themselves, so be sure to use it back to them. Have you ever been to a tribunal? Do you need any tips?


No I have never been to one and they have didn’t like one of the questions I have put in because they contradict themselves when they say I am able to use a kitchen cooker yet am unable to bend down to use a kitchen oven, well I have questioned that is not an oven a part of the kitchen cooker? Which I am sorry but is a very poignant and truthful question

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I went to a tribunal long ago, as a result my son was awarded DLA for life, and I successfully supported a friend to get a life award for her daughter with Down’s Syndrome. Then they changed the benefit! There were three members, one was from a disability charity, one was medically qualified, one was legally qualified. They are not DWP staff, don’t be hostile, they are simply trying to establish the facts. It’s quite formal, you will be introduced to all of the panel members. Dress presentable, arrive in plenty of time, have a tea and a wee before before you arrive. You may take someone to support you. Make notes of things you want to speak about. When they ask you a question, it’s OK to pause before you speak, to gather your thoughts. Good luck.


I have someone from MIND going with me and also when they refused the first decision and I asked for it to be relooked at, they asked for two people and their phone numbers to speak to and also medical person to speak to and their phone numbers to which I gave them after no time during that rethink of the first decision did they contact anybody? That I had given them the numbers for or even relook at any of the new evidence that I had sent them at the time. They just didn’t bother and went still with the original decision

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Did you make a Subject Access Request to see your file?

SAR?, I don’t know if that is what I have got at the moment but I have been since over 180 pages of documentation from the the DWP, with every bit of information that has been sent to them from day one medical and risen, But also what I am saying is originally I was awarded four points buying needs and additional things that I need to shower etc. But my mother due to her illness has had the cancer transfer her bathroom into a wet room and because of that they have decided to deduct two points off me for something she has had done

An SAR is a Subject Access Request, asking for information held on you, but apparently they have sent that info already. I’m not familiar with their points allocation system. Hopefully someone else will.

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