Hi Folks,
My mum has been in a care home for 6 months now, previously she got lower rate attendance allowance and at the start of the year I phoned to get the rate reviewed for the higher rate. Unfortunately I could get little input from the care home on how many times she wanders during the night, is helped to go to the toilet, changing her if she has an accident etc. and I didn’t want to make this all up and then have DWP say they rang the home and that’s not accurate.
I have since moved her to a different home but again they say they can’t help with this form, though I read on the companies literature if somebody goes into a home you are entitled to higher rate?
This wasn’t relayed that way when i spoke to DWP and I don’t want to find I lose the lot because I cannot explain it they way they need to hear it.
My mum finally went into care after many years trying to keep her at home, she is a constant wanderer with regards to her dementia, she makes little sense conversationally any longer and needs help with most things like tablets, dressing, eating, drinking, washing etc. she is in danger of falling due to knee issues.
Are there any examples people can provide or point me at of how to write the way DWP want to receive this information so I would be able to complete the form for the higher rate allowance?
I did try Age UK and they just pointed me at their literature which I didn’t find very useful or am I just over worrying on this?
Many Thanks,
Hi Matt, and welcome.
I suggest you use the Helpline for this: 0808 808 7777 - it’s open Monday to Friday 9-6pm.
What I will say is that your Mum can only be on Attendance Allowance if she’s completely self-funded at the care home, otherwise she will lose it. So it’s really important to get your facts available to show this, as the DWP will be almost certain to ask.
Is mum paying for her own care? (If not, she isn’t entitled to any AA).
As long as mum needs someone available to help her with the tasks mentioned, then she should be able to get the higher rate.
The very fact that she needed a care home at all shows she has high needs!
Do you have Power of Attorney? If so, you could ask for a copy of all mum’s night time records over a 7 day period.
Hi Charles, Bowlingbun,
Many Thanks for your responses, yes she is self funded as she is above the savings limit currently, further discussions to be had with social services once she is nearer the lower limit this year.
It’s mainly the wandering at all hours every night I see as the requirement for the higher rate, and the potential fall risk so she needs that constant monitoring, but I’ll revisit DWP to see if I need a fresh form and call the helpline for advice.
I do have Enduring Power of Attorney.
It’s certainly not made easy for you! but then I’ve also never understood why a diagnosed mentally impaired person still pays tax on their pension at home or in a care home, I would have thought that’s a quick easy win to help people for any government by removing that… little rant over
Is your mum getting the Funded Nursing Care contribution, it’s about £150 a week now, I think.
I think there’s one standard form, just get the one you have back by the deadline or else you will miss out on lots of money.
I think Social Services flat batted that previously along with NHS Funded Care saying my mum did not have a condition that qualified for either. She seemed to imply dementia was not one that did and it essentially needs to be physical.
However my mum has double scoliosis of the spine since her early 20’s (for which I have a consultant letter saying it’s one of the worst cases he’s seen but too risky to operate) and no longer has any cartilage in one knee. Because she shows no sign of pain and is able to move about without assistance this seems to get disregarded. But nobody can say she doesn’t suffer because we just don’t know due to the dementia and all the drugs she has to take.
It does also look like the home she is in currently doesn’t qualify as a nursing care one.
That seems very unfair.
However, with serious dementia I imagine she needs “looking over” 24 hours a day?
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