Helpful suggestions from relatives

Even more off topic but 3 or 4 years ago mother would transfer herself from her bed to a wheelchair and then to the stairlift - making her way down stairs unaided. One morning when she was later than usual getting herself down stairs one of the carers started asking me some searching questions. I glanced over at her to see that she was regarding me through slit eyes - suspiciously. I suppose carers have to be ready to deal with anything and alert to all possibilities but I don’t know what she suspected and I told her ‘mother will be down shortly’ - which she was.

Hello to everyone and wishing you all a happy Friday! Of course - the weekend may not make that much difference to carers as it’s not as if we get the weekend off. Sympathy to anyone who has given up their career (or may have to). It looks like I am about to give up work.
I suppose you have to somehow look on the bright side (have to try to find a bright side somewhere). My sister is visiting next week (to stay for a few days) and she will take over most (if not all) of the caring duties.

Can I ask why you might be giving up work?

I have looked after my mother for years – providing more and more care as her condition deteriorated. Even though we have carers 4 times a day it can still be very intense and a bit non-stop and stressful on so many levels (sorry if I’ve repeated stuff from previous posts and told you things which you already know with some pointless padding).
Early last year I started to develop symptoms. I laughed it off but there was some concern among those who noticed the symptoms. After a few months I developed some aches and pains and I went sick. While I have been off sick mother’s condition worsened and she needed more and more help. A few more months down the line I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease – while mother’s condition continued to worsen.
To cut a long story short - I am going to try to manage my condition – that’s going to take time. Looking after myself and my mother and working… …something has to go (or it certainly seems that way). It looks like giving up work (not a career by any stretch of the imagination) is the only option.

So sorry to hear about your diagnosis but you seem to be handling it very positively at the moment. It’s probably the right decision for you, especially as you have another job, looking after your Mum, to keep you occupied. Be aware that depression is a symptom of Parkinsons and get treatment for it early if it ever looks like taking hold. Remember how well Michael J Fox and Mohammed Ali lived with Parkinsons but don’t forget what happened to Robin Williams. I hope that spending more time with your mother allows her to give you some of the emotional support you probably need. I am the partner and carer of a Parkinsons sufferer. Have you told your “helpful” relatives about Parkinsons yet?

Yes - word of the diagnosis travelled fast. The last time ‘suggestions’ were made I said “I have to go out. Must fly.” Due to mother’s condition she finds it very difficult to speak but, while my ears were not burning while I was out, when I returned there were no further helpful suggestions - I hope it stays that way…