So scared and frustrated re discharge battles

Im so upset. My poor mum with advanced Lewy Body Dementia, COPD, cervıcal spine conpressıon and suspected bowel canceeçr had an emergency hospitak admşssuon after a fall over a month ago. From the time of admissıon Ive been tryung to get proper care/dıscharge planning.
My father was dıscharged unsafely into “intermedıary re enablement” under sımılar cırcumstances 3 yrs ago resulrıng ın another emergency admıssıon and sadly dyıng in AMU wıthout us there. I have been desperately tryıng to prevent a reoccurance
Mums decline has been so acute. On the ward a do tor ınformed us mum needed pallıatıve referal. Our dıscharge coordınator saıd she had reccommended bedbased nursıng assessment. At a meetıng we were assured ıt would be dıscharge to assess for complex needs/CHC etc. Mum cant feed or mobılıse, ıs weak and dıstressed.
Last week the hospıtal told me she was beıng dıscharged on placement. I trıed and trıed to contact dıscharge team no reply. Ward doctor assured me ıt would be nursıng placement.
Sınce mums been on placement ı keep askıng home for our case offıcer. Fınally allowed to vısıt today after the PCR etc, mum really weak and dustressed.
The home tell me shes placed on ıntermedıary re enablement! No assessment plan ın place.
Absolutely devastated/furıous. Mum clearly needs full nursıng and pallıatıve assessment

The usual discharge procedures seem to have changed because of covid.
Do you have Power of attorney?
I had some terrible battles with hospitals towards the end of my mum’s life, dreadful.
Are you aware of NHS Continuing Healthcare?
Do you live with mum?
Does she own or rent her home?
I know this seems irrelevant, but it isn’t!

Hi Vanessa,

It must’ve been very upsetting to see your Mum like that.

How is she now?


I had too many battles over my mum, with hospitals.
The easiest way to get things done properly is to ring the hospital, ask to speak to the CEO’s office, speak to the PA and use words like “unsafe discharge” or “incompetent” or “contrary to what was agreed”.
I tried PALS, ward sister, ward doctor etc, all determined to ignore me - and that was before COVID!
Do you have Power of Attorney?