Educational videos for young carers


I’m a member of Team Charis, a group of young professionals in financial services. We’ve been working on a project in collaboration with the charity Carers First to produce a series of videos that provide guidance on a variety of topics for young carers in the UK, but focusing particularly on money and finances.

We’d love to share our videos with as many young carers as possible, so please have a look at one or all of them if you have time, they can be found on the Carers First YouTube channel, or the links are below:

Am I a Young Carer and where can I find support?
How do I manage my money as a Young Carer?
How can I protect my money as a Young Carer?
What financial terminology should I know as a Young Carer?
How do I make a successful job application as a Young Carer?
Advice for Young Carers, from Young Carers

We’d also be very grateful for any feedback you could give on the usefulness of our videos. To do this we’ve created a survey, please fill it in if you have time!

Thanks, and stay safe! :smiley: