Donating To Charities ? Just Giving Ends It's Barber's Cut Of 5%

**JustGiving ditches its 5 per cent " Platform fee " after making £190m from charity donations.

_Crowdfunding website JustGiving scraps a 5 per cent ‘platform fee’ on donations.

The Mail revealed the site took more than £20 million a year from fundraisers.

But payments will still be subject to card processing fees of 1.9 per cent plus 20p._**


Elsewhere, JustGiving took its controversial fee from £5.5 million raised for Manchester Arena bombing victims’ families and survivors, £4 million donated in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster, and £334,908 for those affected by the London Bridge attack.

Labour MP Neil Coyle last year called for the law to be changed to prevent firms such as JustGiving ‘profiting from terrorism’.

Mr Coyle, who represents Southwark in London, said: ‘JustGiving helps raise millions for good causes. That work is respected and supported across the country.

‘But most people are unaware JustGiving charges charities, takes admin fees and also profits from the funds the public donate. > This means they profit from terrorism and tragedies.’

JustGiving ditches its 5 per cent 'platform fee' after it made £190m from charity donations  | Daily Mail Online

Needless to add … the " Trussells Test. "

Take a can of beans.

A foodbank recipient receives … a whole can of beans.

When you donate to a " Charity " , just how many beans are extracted for salaries and expenses BEFORE the remainder reaches the front line ???