Carer's Assessment - Experiences

Chris, it is as you say all box ticking.

Not good enough.

I have met very few in social work who have a clue, unfortunately. They really need to spend time gaining actual experience as part of their training. A few placements with families as a live in carer would be ideal, but not sure how many families could cope with that. If not, placements as day/night carers.

TBH all the training any of them needs is to learn to LISTEN to what people say and then to follow up on what THEY say they are going to do. I was told IN WRITING they would phone me to discuss my answers and get more info. Didnt bother and now saying that I have REQUESTED things…

Oh the feedback they are going to get from me…

After all they have sent me a feedback form asking what I thought of the process…

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Unfortunately not enough carers have the energy or confidence to challenge them …

Well I will find the energy because I hate it when people do me down or treat me like an idiot. Also I have a heck of a lot of experience dealing with Civil Servants, particularly at Local Authority level. The Leader of the Local Council does not like me because he lost a battle of words with me and was made to look extremely foolish - and I wasn’t even trying. I just let him dig his own hole…I think they may have picked the wrong guy this time. Just get the ducks lined up and then…

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Chris, I have no doubt

Awww Melly and you hardly know me !!

:joy: :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::joy::rofl::joy::joy:

PS wasn’t as funny as that but forum said 4 smilies wasn’t enough characters .,


You are very articulate Chris and I agree with Melly. I also feel that so many of us feel mentally exhausted. I used to deal with broadsheet journalists and did some radio and TV interviews, before I retired and was considered a n expert in a rather specialist subject although some would consider it ‘frilly’.( I ran a support group for naturally slender ectomorphic women, ) But I feel very out of my depth re complaining about the lack of support I get. I think that the NHS has written my husband off for his ‘non compliance’ but unfortunately that means I am ‘written off’ too as Carer. So I support you 110% in taking things further.

I would like husband to go into respite, but it wont happen. Even if I could get the funding he would probably discharge himself and if he had mental capacity they would let him. So in fairness, I do not really see what a Carers Assessment could achieve at this moment in time. I could arrange counselling via my local Carers group - they offered to refer me and the company usually reacted quickly and were very aware of the issues Carers faced. But I would have had to commit to a slot for several weeks and I just did not dare do this. I felt it unfair to take appointments away from others who needed them but if husband went into hospital long term, then I would pursue.

It is worth talking to your local Carers group. I have been very lucky with mine even if I cannot get to meetings. Husband would not go with me and if he did, then I would not be able to talk freely.

I agree with you completely. The whole system is stuffed. I too am a journalist, so I know my way around law and everything else. Yet I’m still treated as stupid because of my age. I find myself avoiding the conversation that I am a journalist as it makes me sound more capable than I am. I’m also may be autistic. The truth is I’m working for a tiny newspaper along the coast. Yes big news happens, but stressful it isn’t.

Like you say unless your husband accepts care then you’re written off by the carers team.

I find the exact same problem. Yet, I find I still can’t meet my mums mental health needs.

The trouble is I as much as I want to walk away I am still considered a negotiator, so I have to stick around. Although mum is capable of conversation, she wants someone else to make that contact for her.

From reading about other peoples experiences, I also think a huge problem lies around the stigma associated with getting care and going into living facilities. I’m lucky my mum knew she wanted to go into assisted living, so we’re waiting now. However getting to the point of her accepting carers in the interim has been hard.

Most days we hear on the news about another failed facility, and how they a*d the people they were meant to care for. No national news ever covers the big things care homes do. There is a care home in my reporting work who are brilliant with the residents. I try to do as many stories with them as possible. This idea is so fresh on peoples minds, never mind all the reported ae in the past.

I too have a an aunt with severe brain damage, and I know from my own family history that the idea of getting her carers was frowned upon. Even placing her into a home was frowned upon. That stigma has affected the family turning it into a war over who looks after her. The irony is she was a*****d in my aunts care and is now loving life in a residential care place.

I also think more funding needs to be put in place for assisted living facilities. I think it would solve a lot more issues. Like it could free up rented homes as there is a lack of them at the moment, many people would be sitting on multiple bedroomed homes that they can’t cope with. Carers would also be able to go out to work, again helping the economy and filling in missing gaps in the system. I wonder how many people leave their jobs every year due to caring. I expect many of those caring would end up back in the care system. Obviously it wouldn’t work for every illness.

Carers Assessment was a black hole for me!


My own care needs assessment was not that bad. The actual social worker who conducted it actually knew what she was talking about in relation to getting support. I was so amazed. She took a difficult life event and certainly made the entire process that much easier. At no point did I feel like walking out of the room in order to make a point. They are a rare breed. Certainly the last ever social worker in question who came to do one was not very professional in terms of sending me follow up emails afterwards. In any case make notes.

I’m going through the throws of a review of my carers assessment. I was awarded £20 a week several years ago towards a back massage but have never found anyone that cheap ( not even a dodgy back street brothel is that cheap lol )
Haven’t had a review since 2017 and no support during covid. I’m always reminded at the meeting when I joke are you putting the amount up that the review is to see if I still qualify……totally deflates you when you have given up a carer and your healths suffered being a carer. This times it is asking what are my goals……I can’t even muster up the enthusiasm to fill in that section. Will leave blank because I take one day at a time

Hi Linda.

With my assessment I have been awarded £200. The rest of it was rubbish. They stated in writing that i had received a call to discuss my form. This did not happen and I have asked for the time and date of the call… They went of to state that the assessment was completed in accordance with Care Act 2014… So they appear to have made a fraudulent statement about their actions.

How can anyone who just receives this form by email with no discussion or assistance find the time to come up with a list of goals - costed and with timescales?

I am awaiting the response as I have asked for a Senior Manager to look at what they have done and come back to me…

Another example of how Carers HAVE to fight for anything and everything.

Is this something that CarersUK can take up and fight for improvements?

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Thanks for your post Chris and for sharing about your recent assessment. It sounds like this was a frustrating experience.

I’ve shared your post with our policy and campaigns team and will let you know when I receive a response.

You might also find it helpful to contact our Helpline at to ask about your rights as a carer in this situation.

Wishing you well


Hi @Chris_22081
I’ve heard back from our policy and campaigns team who said that Carers UK is undertaking work currently (that will be published shortly) which will look at best practice when it comes to undertaking Carer’s Assessments and ensuring they meet the needs of carers. It will include case studies of local areas which really understand this process for others to learn from.

We’ll share a link to this guidance on Carers Connect when it is published.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us


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Hi Michael.

Thanks for the update. I am pleased CarersUK are looking at this.

I’ve heard nothing back from my complaint last week yet, but as it took nearly seven months to even get the Assessment, I am sure no-one knows what to do when some AWKWARD CARER has the audacity to complain. We really should learn to be grateful and not moan about our Lot…

Sorry I need to vent some sarcasm sometimes!

Thanks again to you and everyone on here for the support.



This is so true - they also hate it when intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable carers advocate on behalf of their caree. They like us to learn our place …

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Totally agree Chris and Melly. We are not allowed to be intelligent, challenging or even have a brain! Cannot fodder that is what I sometimes feel we are at times.

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Thanks OP.

I’ve been thinking about getting one of these done for a while but it seems like it’s a pointless exercise especially with my Mum refusing any support or help.

Remember it is an Assessment of YOUR needs, not Mum’s. If they approach it in the right way it should help you. Just because I had a bad experience doesnt mean everyone does.